Hand designs from North of North
North of North is a Canadian comedy television series, that premiered on CBC Television, Netflix and APTN in 2025.

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Apex 3D Blog
The Purple Saxifrage for Peace to commemorate the visit by Pope Francis’ visit to Nunavut.
Purple Saxifrage for Peace, a beautiful collection of 6 saxifrage – Nunavut’s official flower on the tundra in a clear enclosure.
2022 Nunavut Quest Winner Jonah Qaunaq with the ‘Golden Uqsiq Award’ designed & printed by Apex 3D Inc.
The top 3 winners received a full set of Uqsiit manufactured at our Apex 3D print shop. Uqsiit are usually hand crafted and can now be custom made to order with 3D technology. Congrats to all the participants. Photo courtesy of Q.I.A.
New Iqaluit 3D printing business optimistic about its future in Nunavut